Sunday, October 11, 2015

Shim Ho Seob/chapter 3 essay first draft/Tuesday 11am

I will talk about my best friend named Min Kyung Song. Because of his name many people who don't know him guess he is a girl because it's a girl name Song Min Kyung when we think his name in American version. But he is a really cool guy. I first met him in high school when we were in second grade. We spent 2 years since then in same classes and after the high school graduation, I studied one more year for university and he went to Konkuk university. Although we are now going to different universities, we keep in touch everyday and meet every week.

 Kyung Song is a pretty tall guy about 180cm. He has a normal body type which is not too skinny and also not fat. His face shape is like an egg, narrow and oval. His hair style can be called dandy cut. But he can't be called a good looking guy. He has a small, narrow and slanted eyes and wide nose. His skin is not very clear and his eyebrow is pale.

 However, girls feel quite attractive to him. Unlike me who had only one girlfriend yet, he dated with 4 girls since high school. And the girls were all quite pretty girls. I still don't know exactly why he is popular among girls. But I guess that he has a talent to make girls smile and comfortable. Not only to girls, but he is also quite popular in guys. He always talks about funny episodes and lead atmosphere of boys.

 He is now in a junior year of university. He is majoring business administration and studying for C.P.A(Certified Public Account). Because of the test preparation, he is taking time off at his university and going to a library near his home everyday. He rest once a week. At the break time he usually meets me and has some fun with me or plays soccer in his school's soccer club. I really respect his professional attitude toward his goal and strict self-regulation. It's his second try for C.P.A and I believe that he will pass this time.

 Kyung Song is a really realistic man. He has a concrete blue print for his future and put effort to it. Also, he doesn't spend his time and energy for people who are not sincere in their relationship. And he is a person who is good at seeing through people's mind. So he gives me many advices in dealing with many people I meet in society. I really get many helps from him in many different and difficult situations.



  1. 1. He is constructive
    2. a. He was trying to attract girls
    b. He is studying continuously with self-control
    c. He has a specific plan for his future
    3. what the person looks like, What the person does - they are in the writing
    what the person says, what other people say about the person - they are not in writing
    4. I can understand all writing
    5. I think the writer and one of his friends have a very friendly relationship and this is why the writer choose him.
    6. How about describe his action and saying?

  2. 임정연 (201202968)

    1. He seems like a person popular with girls.
    2. He had a lot of girlfriends.
    He dresses himself in a dandy style
    He is comfortable around girls.
    3. There isn't any mention about what other people think about your friend.
    4. Your writing was very clear and concise.
    5. I can tell that you and your friend are very close and you also respect him in many ways.
    6. Maybe you could talk about the first time you became friends with him.
