Sunday, October 11, 2015

Lee Do Yun / First draft of chapter 3 / Tuesday 11 am

 When it snow, I have a person who makes me feel nostalgic. I do not know exactly why I recall him when it snow. Maybe it is because of the memory I played with him in snowy days. Or maybe it is just because he is like snow.  No matter what the reason is, when it snow, the memory of my 15-year-old comes back to my mind.
 I went to Canada to visit my aunt when I was in middle school. Winter in Canada was not as cold as I thought, but the snow was just like my imagination. The whole world was covered with snow. Snow made the small town that I stayed into a place like Neverland. No car could move because of the heavy snow, so all adults stayed at home or quietly shoveled snow to clean the doorway, and the only sound there was that of children. One day, I went out with sled in my hand with my cousins. That day, I met the boy, my neighbor, the first blue-eyed friend I made. 
I can't even remember his name. Maybe I never knew it. At that time, my English was not perfect. But I can vividly remember his appearance. He always wore white padding jumper, which made him look even whiter. He was as white as snow. I remember his smile, which was so pure and so warm. His smile was like sunshine that covers the ground. Actually, his smile was as warm as snow in the winter. In winter, snow covers sprouts under the ground warmly and keep the shoots alive. His smile gave me such feeling. His appearance and face resembled snow.
For about a week, we made snowmen, did snow fight, and rode sled together. We made our own sled courses like those in a ski resort. There were jump schanzes and  zigzag slopes. I had never spent so much time in snow as the week that I spent. So when it snow, I naturally remember the days that I spent my time with snow the most, and as a duck takes to water, the boy comes up in my memory. 
Even now, when it snow, I sometimes have a dream about him. The image is not vivid, but I still recall him. I would probably remember him whenever it snow. Snow is like him to me, now. 


  1. 1. I can notice that he is the first foreign friend you made and that he had a warm smile and playful.
    2. He had blue eyes, a warm smile that could met the snow away, and you two played together even when the adults stayed home
    3. I think you focused on what that boy did, when it snowed back in the days.
    4. I did not have any questions.
    5. I think the memory of something 'first' is special. The boy was her first friend in Canada.
    6.I would like it if you included some conversations you had with the boy. It would make your writing more lively.

    1. There are four females with the surname "Kim" in this class. None of them are listed as "Evelyn Kim."

    2. I figured out who Evlyn Kim was. Please use your full real name when you want credit on the blog.

  2. 1. This person was very kind and warm to you.
    2. He was very friendly to you even though you had a hard time speaking English when you met him.
    You spent a lot of time with him doing various activities playing in the snow.
    He was constantly smiling at you.
    3.The essay does not mention anything the boy might have said to you or what other think of him.
    4. The essay was very clear and easy to read.
    5. I could tell that this person had a profound effect on you as he was one of the first first friends you have made in Canada.
    6. What happened when you returned to Korea? Did you say Goodbye? Do you still keep in touch?
