Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Hyewon Chang / Ch 3 First draft / Tuesday 11a.m.

             After I finally entered into the university, I decided that I desperately need some place for rest. Certainly, it was not my mother nor father, and I didn't want to give burden to my dear friends. Who I decided was the God. Sorry for him, but I thought that he would not mind having a bit more burden. Anyway, I thought that I just need some faith in myself.  So, I went to the Catholic Church. That was the place where I met one of my best friends. At first, she was not very impressive. I thought that she is quite tall and white, but didn't have any more impressions other than that. However, when I was baptized, I found out that she was the friend of the girl, Celerina, who were having same godmother as myself. Therefore, after the baptismal ceremony, all four of us, including godmother, her goddaughters, me and a girl and her friend had dinner together.

           Dinner was the chance when I was able to actually look at her. Her first impression was that she would be surely a stubborn one. While Celerina was talking with her friend, I had a chance to have a close look. Most impressive part of her face was her eyes with single eyelid but bigger than the others. Because those were heading upward, she looked bit foxy. Maybe I get this impression because she also had lots of eyelashes. I asked her what kind of mascara she use. I still remember her smile being bit embarrassed, but still feeling proud about her eyelashes. Her bit long nose, and lips also slowly caught my attention. Her nose was straight, but it had a little crook that it's hard to notice. For the lips, I could only remember that it was glossy. Maybe because we were eating or because I already felt some kind of love toward her.


More than her figures, I believe the feature that gave others most impression about her is her skin color. Of course she was fully Korean but her skin color made her look bit different from other people. With a pale white colored skin, she surely looked like a snow queen. After our meeting, I found out that she and I had same interest and we suddenly become a very good friend. Even though I found out many different aspects of her, she is still my best friend.

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