Sunday, October 11, 2015

SeongYeon Cho / Exercise 3.2 / Tuesday 3,4


I was at cafe nearby my house. It's apparently midterm period, so there were many students preparing for their tests. I was sitting at the corner of the cafe. Just across the room, I could see a girl in a black hood-jacket wearing glasses. She seemed about 160cm and has bobbed hair style. She had even teethes. She was studying, I guess, with her friend. They both looked like high school students. Maybe senior judging by the fact that they had a book called standard of mathematics. They kept smiling while chatting like a bird's tweet, which is quite natural to those young high-schoolers. They both opened their books and papers. But for about 15 minutes, during the observation, I never saw them studying:). That's also what high school girls do.

Anyway, the girl I was looking at was quite good at using her hands language While she was talking to her friend, she kept moving her hands, and from time to time, they were on the high-five. The cafe was quite loud, so that I couldn't hear what they were talking about. But I reckon it was funny stories considering that they laughed out loud often times.

Most of the people in this cafe seemed very serious and worrying. I think it's probably because of their assignments and tests. But these girls seemed really happy and enjoying. It was the smile that I had lost right after the high school graduation.

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