Friday, September 11, 2015

김민정(Kim Minjeong)/Narrative composition(Tuesday,11am)

I`m fond of writing about all kind of things happened in my daily life. I used to write my feelings and wishes on a white blank A4 paper whenever I faced with terrible situations or vice versa. In last year, however, there was a turning point in my writing history. My mother gave a diary and a fountain pen for my birthday present. The diary itself was no more than a diary. Although I tried to write diaries many times in the past, I failed to write continually. But she gave me a responsibility, not a just a mere diary. Since then, I have written my diary almost every day. Furthermore, it becomes my habit to writing all sorts of things: what I did today, what I will do tomorrow or even my thoughts floating in my head. It gives me a time to looking back not only that day but also whole period of time recorded in the diary. In a word, the diary is my driving force which makes me forward. Most of all, however, it is the greatest rewarding that I can write my stories without any other people`s perspectives. If I want to organize my minds, I can do it by just opening my note and then scribble freely whenever and wherever. As a result, such experiences make me feel comfortable with writing. 


  1. Hi, my name is Taek Min Kim(김택민) what I like to say first is that since I have lack of cofidence in writing; I am jealous of you that you like writing so much. Secondly, I think that your habbit of writing a diary every day is very nice. That's it and see you in class:)

  2. I am very surprised to know that you managed to write in your diary almost every day, because I could never do that. Your writing has inspired me to keep a diary for myself again too. I agree with all the positive aspects you've mentioned about keeping a diary, and I want to thank you for allowing me to realize these points again. I just hope I have a turning point like yours which will encourage me to develop writing as a daily habit!
