Sunday, November 1, 2015

Shim Ho Seob/ chapter4 first draft/ narrative composition 34 Tuesday

I will talk about my club room. I am belong to a dance club in our school which name is JANE. The club room of JANE is a very precious place for our club members. At there, we practice individually, chat, sleep at a sofa in the room, study at a table when it's a test period, and even order and eat Chinese foods.


It's located at the underground of Social-science building. Club rooms are gathered in the floor and our club room is next to Hufs Dovy (Hip hop club) room. The floor's atmosphere is kind of damp and dark because only clubs members pass by there. Many delivery foods advertisement flyers are attached in front of our club room. And each club room has it's own electric door lock. So the outside of the room feels like a corridor of old apartment.


Inside of the room is very bright contrast to the dark outside. One side of the room is filled with full-length mirror for dance practice. The mirror reflects people's body quite slender. So many people take selfies using the mirror. There's a sofa next to the room. It has a bunch of club jackets and other clothes of members on there. Many people use the sofa to take a nap putting the pile of clothes aside. The room has small windows for ventilation. But they are necessary evils because people can watch inside of the room from outside if they bend their body low.


The room gives club members cozy feeling because it reminds us of a high school class room. It has book shelves filled with many major books and also has lockers which look just same what I used in high school. Light of the room is very bright if we turn on all light switches. And the room itself is quite clean because there are some members who lead cleaning of the room and also, the number of girls is much more than the boy's.


  1. Hi, I'm Lee Eun Young I enjoyed your writing.
    1. I liked the part that you contrast inside and outside of the club room. I can clearly see the differences between two areas.
    2. I think you described well your club room, and I could easily imagine how it would look like. However, it would be better if you can add more description regarding how does the sofa looks like and how big is your club room.
    3. I could see that you described things based on what you can see but there's no other senses being used.
    4. I don't know why but I feel like that place is not that clean. That's probably because you mentioned piles of clothes on the sofa, and books on the desk. So, I would add how it smells like to describe the atmosphere.
    5. For this place is very important to him.
    6. I would say you can the smell of that room.

  2. Hello, I`m Jang Won Woo. I`ll talk about your writing
    1. When I was reading your writing, I was interested in your descriptions of you club room. Sometimes, I saw the underground corridor passing by there. It looks like what you described. Also, I really agree your writing about the flyers because my club room is same as yours.
    2. I could imagine the place clearly when I was reading this writing.
    3. In his writing, a sense of seeing takes the most part of it.
    4. I would describe atmosphere of the club room with conversations between friends. It would add more reality and meaning of the place.
    5. Because it is the place that provides him rest, friendship and hobby. As I am the member of HUFS MEDIA, I can agree the functions of the club room.
    6. How about add other details of sensory?
